A 46-year-old bus driver was recently married to a woman he first met as a passenger on his bus when he was diagnosed with mesothelioma. He was unsure how he could have been exposed to asbestos until a review of his occupational history revealed that he worked as a plumber’s helper in his early teens.
Although the man testified at a pretrial deposition about his asbestos exposure from plumbing equipment, he died before the case went to trial. Answering the man’s wife’s call for justice, mesothelioma lawyer Joseph Williams successfully tried the case using the bus driver’s deposition and a professional video that documented the man suffering through mesothelioma. This particular case required a 12-week jury trial which in this instance resulted in a multimillion-dollar settlement for the man’s surviving wife.
Joe, a Navy Veteran, New York. A U.S. Navy veteran developed mesothelioma from asbestos exposure during his work on ships and in shipyards while serving his country. Mr. Williams helped the victim form a medical plan of action and gain treatment from the best surgeons and oncologists so he could battle the disease as effectively as possible.
The man testified at his deposition about his asbestos exposure while in the Navy, and his testimony coupled with historical records from the U.S. Naval archives made for a compelling case. Mr. Williams achieved large settlements for the man and his family as they continue to cope with the effects of mesothelioma.
A woman was diagnosed with mesothelioma after second-hand exposure to asbestos from her husband’s clothes. Her husband worked in boiler rooms, where he was exposed to asbestos and accumulated asbestos fibers on his clothing.
Mr. Williams’ trial of the case led to a large settlement for the surviving family members, and the woman’s husband continues to stay in touch and refer legal matters to The Williams Law Firm, P.C. saying, “There is no one else that I would trust.”
A union electrician who worked on hundreds of large construction sites and was exposed to asbestos through pipe covering, insulation and other products was so focused on his smoking history that he didn’t realize the synergy between asbestos exposure and smoking elevated his potential for lung cancer by a factor of 50.
Once he understood the link between asbestos exposure, smoking, and lung cancer, his deposition and testimony paved the way for a successful jury trial that led to a huge settlement.