If you or someone you love has received a mesothelioma diagnosis, do not hesitate to secure legal assistance. You may be entitled to significant compensation for what has happened, and the Williams Law Firm is ready to help. We will thoroughly investigate your illness so we can determine who is liable. Our Paterson mesothelioma attorneys will work to ensure that you have the compensation you need for all mesothelioma-related expenses.
You should never have to face a mesothelioma diagnosis alone. At the Williams Law Firm, we know that you and your family need help, and we are going to work diligently to secure the compensation you are entitled to.
Mesothelioma is an aggressive form of cancer that has no cure. Caused by exposure to asbestos, mesothelioma has a long latency period, meaning that victims are often not diagnosed with the illness until decades after their asbestos exposure.
Asbestos was mined heavily and used widely in industrial sites, buildings, ships, automobiles, and even homes until the 1970s and beyond. Asbestos is a known carcinogen. Tiny asbestos fibers can embed themselves inside a person’s body and disrupt normal cell replication.
Asbestos exposure can occur in a variety of ways, such as:
Mesothelioma is treated with chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, or a combination of the three.
Passaic County has been faced many deaths due to mesothelioma over the last few decades. From 1999 to 2017, there were an estimated 346 deaths caused by asbestos-related exposure. The asbestos-related death rate in Passaic County is 3.8 deaths per 100,000 people.
There are many locations in and around Paterson that have used asbestos products in the past or where these products continue to be in use today. Some of the most common exposure locations are schools, hospitals, warehouses, government buildings, office complexes, and homes. If you or a loved one has worked in construction or industrial work, you could be at high risk of developing mesothelioma.
While you may be entitled to compensation, securing the coverage you need will not be straightforward. Depending on the facts of your case, the Williams Law Firm will work to determine the best route to securing what you need, which could include:
There are several types of compensation you may be entitled to. Whether you are a mesothelioma victim or a family member who has lost a loved one, you could secure:
If you need a Paterson mesothelioma attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or by calling (855) 575-6376.
Get a copy of our FREE mesothelioma e-book by attorney Joseph Williams