As a Buffalo resident, you may be exposed to asbestos in your own home, at work, or in any other building you enter. If you have been exposed to asbestos, you may be at risk for developing mesothelioma, a rare but deadly form of cancer. This tragic and preventable condition has no cure, which could lead to extensive treatment and emotional damages to victims and their families. These losses deserve recognition, and an experienced mesothelioma lawyer in Buffalo can help you seek justice.
Our dedicated Buffalo mesothelioma lawyers at The Williams Law Firm, P.C., can help you achieve the compensation you deserve. We understand the frightening and stressful times you are going through, so we are prepared to build a strong claim and fight for you. With our personalized services and proven track record of winning every case, you can trust us to handle your claim with the utmost care and compassion. We want you to feel confident and stress-free throughout the legal process, so we communicate honestly and consistently. This way, you can make informed decisions about your future and understand your legal options.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring carcinogenic mineral that contains heat, electricity, and corrosion-resistant fibers. It was commonly used in the 19th and 20th centuries for insulation, pipe coverings, floor tiles, ceiling tiles, and more. Asbestos fibers that are inhaled can embed themselves in a person’s respiratory tract. This exposure could make people more vulnerable to serious diseases, including the following:
People can be exposed to asbestos and these conditions in many ways. In addition, these diseases may take years to show symptoms, making them difficult to identify. They also require extensive and expensive treatment.
Those most at risk of developing mesothelioma are those who worked in industrial jobs. Family members of these workers are also at risk of secondary exposure due to asbestos on work clothing. Anyone living in areas where asbestos was mined or those in a home containing asbestos is also at risk of developing mesothelioma. We understand the dangers of asbestos exposure and specialize in mesothelioma cases, so we know what it takes to achieve a successful outcome.
Unfortunately, Buffalo has been affected by asbestos and mesothelioma, with an estimated 1,417 asbestos-related deaths in Erie County, NY from 1999 to 2017. Known sites in the area with asbestos include the following:
If you have worked at one of these locations or lived with someone who worked at one of these sites, you may have been exposed to asbestos and be at risk of mesothelioma. It’s crucial to see a doctor right away so they run the proper testing and prevent your condition from worsening. After seeking medical attention, contact The Williams Law Firm, P.C. for a free consultation with a caring Buffalo mesothelioma lawyer that will listen to your story and determine the best course of action to achieve a successful outcome.
If you have been exposed to asbestos and developed mesothelioma, you have the right to file a claim and seek financial compensation for economic and non-economic damages. Depending on the severity of your condition and other details of your claim, you may recover the following costs:
While some of these damages, like medical expenses and lost wages, are relatively straightforward to calculate, others, like pain and suffering, are often more complicated due to their abstract nature. Fortunately, our knowledgeable mesothelioma lawyers in Buffalo understand how to calculate your claim’s worth accurately so you have the best chance of achieving a fair settlement.
If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma after asbestos exposure, you may feel unsure about where to start in seeking justice. With help from our experienced Buffalo mesothelioma lawyers at The Williams Law Firm, P.C., you don’t have to go through the process alone. We handle every aspect of your claim and will fight for you so that you can focus on recovery and treatment. Our communicative and knowledgeable team can also help you understand the following options to receive compensation:
We have worked on all types of mesothelioma claims, including the most complicated and complex. Our Buffalo mesothelioma lawyers take every case seriously and work directly with you to develop a customized legal plan tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.
Getting diagnosed with mesothelioma can be devastating, and you may worry about how the condition will affect your future. If you were exposed to asbestos due to someone else’s negligence, you deserve representation that will fight for you and manage all aspects of your claim, so you can focus on recovery. Our mesothelioma attorneys at The Williams Law Firm, P.C. do just that. We have won every case we worked on, so you can rest assured your claim is in the right hands.
We strive to go above and beyond for Buffalo mesothelioma victims by supporting them every step of the way. Joe Williams has 30 years of experience working on all types of mesothelioma claims and will meet with you personally to work on your case. This dedication and commitment to achieving the compensation you deserve can give you peace of mind that your claim is being handled properly and with compassion. We also offer free consultations, so we can listen to your story and review your legal options. Schedule yours by calling (866) 395-8141 or filling out our contact form.
The Joseph Williams Law Office has been very kind, professional, and knowledgeable. They have helped our family through a very difficult time and I would recommend their services to anyone that needs help.
– Lindsta Ann
Get a copy of our FREE mesothelioma e-book by attorney Joseph Williams