Electricians are at significant risk of asbestos exposure due to its widespread use in building materials from the 1940s through the 1980s. Many structures built, renovated, or expanded during this time contain asbestos, placing workers at risk even today. Prolonged exposure to asbestos dust and fibers can lead to mesothelioma and asbestosis—fatal diseases that often take decades to develop. Electricians who worked on buildings in the 1960s and 1970s may only now face a diagnosis and might not realize they are entitled to seek compensation, no matter how long ago the exposure occurred.
Asbestos, a mineral once commonly used for insulation in buildings, is the sole cause of mesothelioma, a rare and aggressive lung cancer, and other serious health conditions. Electricians, along with workers in various industries, may have unknowingly been exposed to asbestos while performing tasks like wiring in older homes or commercial properties. If you’ve suffered health issues from asbestos exposure, contacting a New York electrician asbestos exposure lawyer is critical.
At The Williams Law Firm, P.C., founding attorney Joe Williams brings over 30 years of experience advocating for asbestos exposure victims. He has never lost a mesothelioma case, securing favorable outcomes for clients. When you trust Attorney Williams with your case, you receive personalized legal counsel from a dedicated and knowledgeable professional. Call (855) 575-6376 today to learn more about your options.
Electricians are often exposed to the harmful mineral when repairing wiring in older buildings. Asbestos may also be present in electrical boxes, control boards, and street cables, which can be dangerous to electricians if the mineral is disturbed or damaged, causing it to be airborne.
When asbestos becomes airborne, it can easily be inhaled by those in the area. If an electrician is consistently exposed to disturbed or damaged asbestos and inhales it, they are at risk of being negatively affected in regards to their health. Some of the early symptoms to look out for when it comes to asbestos exposure include the following:
Difficulty breathing
Persistent cough
Chest pain
Tightness of the chest
Abdominal swelling
Clubbed fingers
Loss of appetite
Weight loss
In addition to these symptoms, electricians who have been exposed to asbestos while working may also be at risk of developing serious diseases.
Some of the harmful diseases that electricians who are exposed to asbestos may face include the following:
Asbestosis: Electricians in older buildings may be exposed to asbestos and repeatedly inhale asbestos fibers. As a result, these workers are at a high risk for developing asbestosis, along with other asbestos-related diseases.
Lung Cancer: Asbestos fibers may be inhaled by the individual working on wiring or handling an older control board. If a person inhales asbestos fibers consistently for a long period, their risk of developing lung cancer may be vastly increased.
Mesothelioma: Mesothelioma can take 30 years or more to develop after first exposure. However, the risk an electrician may face to develop this mesothelioma does not decrease over time.
If you believe you have been exposed to asbestos while working as an electrician in older buildings or homes, it is crucial you exercise your legal right to pursue justice by filing a personal injury claim. To ensure you are able to file a strong claim, contact our trusted New York electrician asbestos exposure lawyer today.
Recovering Damages After Asbestos Exposure in New York
After you have been exposed to asbestos while working as an electrician and have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease as a result, you have the right to fight for justice by filing a personal injury claim. When filing your claim, our lead asbestos exposure lawyer, Joseph P. Williams, has the skill and experience to help you pursue compensation for the losses you and your family have suffered.
These damages you may be eligible to recover for your New York claim include the following:
Medical expenses
Lost wages
Lost earning potential
Pain and suffering
Loss of consortium
Wrongful death
To begin the process of fighting for justice after asbestos exposure in New York, contact The Williams Law Firm, P.C. today.
Electrical work is a high-risk occupation when it comes to asbestos exposure. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health reports that electricians suffer the highest rate of malignant mesothelioma mortality in the construction industry, largely due to the agitation of asbestos-caused by renovations and repairs on older buildings.
Major manufacturers in the U.S. have historically used asbestos in the production of the following:
Asbestos dust and fibers can be inhaled when the material is initially disturbed, but can also attach to clothing, stick in facial hair, and even coat tools and materials. This can increase exposure long after you have finished a project and even allow others in your presence to be exposed to this deadly material.
If you’re an electrician in New York who has been exposed to asbestos, you may be facing serious health challenges. At The Williams Law Firm, P.C., our founding New York electrician asbestos exposure attorney, Joseph P. Williams, has over 30 years of experience advocating for victims of asbestos exposure. With a proven track record that includes never losing a mesothelioma case, we’re committed to helping you pursue the compensation you deserve.
Our firm provides personalized legal support and operates on a contingency fee basis, meaning you only pay if we win. Take the first step by contacting us at (866) 764-9458 or filling out our contact form.
Get a copy of our FREE mesothelioma e-book by attorney Joseph Williams